7:30 am - 8:30 am |
Breakfast in the Expo
7:30 am - 1:30 pm |
Expo Open
8:30 am - 10:00 am |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
How Innovations in Yeast Strain Development are Taking Center Stage in Plant Optimization Strategies
Room 310 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Read Description
In the never-ending quest for increased yields and reduced expenses in fermentation, ethanol producers continue to turn to their yeast populations. Historically, producers could choose between yeasts that were hearty and resistant to changes in pH or temperature or yeasts capable of high yield, but not both. The presenters in this panel will assert that this either/or era may be coming to a close as yeast providers work to produce varietals that are robust, high yielding and capable of expressing the necessary enzymes for greater starch solubilization.
Moderator: Jennifer Aurandt-Pilgrim, PhD, Director of Innovation, Marquis
- Guillermo Coward-Kelly, Senior Staff Scientist, Novozymes
Bringing a New Holistic Approach to the Ethanol Industry
- Lee Robinson, Application Scientist, IFF
Next Generation of Yeast Strains Designed for Optimal “Yield In Use”
- Jenny Forbes, Vice President of Products & Services, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Protecting Investments: Enhancing GMO Yeast Performance with Conventional Yeast
- Matt Richards, Director Application Technology, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
From Inception to Implementation: De-Risking the Innovation Cycle
Track 1: Production and Operations
Telling the Tale: What Plant Data can Teach You about Your Operators, Fermentations and Vital Plant Components
Room 316 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Read Description
As the ethanol production process has matured the ability to capture and utilize operational data has emerged as a key differentiator between the industry’s most successful and efficient operators and everyone else. This panel, one of two at the conference to look specifically at data capture and use, outlines how producers can construct a cohesive operational plan from a dizzying slug of inbound data. This panel features discussions that highlight how data can be used to understand everything from the thoroughness of cleaning by specific operators to when and how to intervene with an underwhelming fermentation cycle.
Moderator: Dale Earls, Product Application Scientist, Novozymes North America Inc.
- Anne Chronic, Director, Market Analytics, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Finding Your Rockstar Operator III
- Hank Brittain, Director of Optimization & Advanced Control, OpX Control Inc.
Tracking and Cracking Process Control Oscillations in Ethanol Plants
- Alex Sexton, Technical Service Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Solving Fermentation Issues with Advanced Troubleshooting
- Amanda Hildebrand, Grain Applications Scientist, IFF
The Power of Prediction: Product and Process Optimization through Virtual Plant Technology
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
A Comprehensive Look at De-Risking Ethanol Plants and Production
Room 320 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Read Description
Profitably manufacturing fuel ethanol requires management teams to put millions of dollars in play, hit yield targets and successfully market an increasing array of final products. Subtle fluctuations in the price of inbound corn and natural gas or unexpected dips in ethanol prices can lead to evaporating or vanishing margins. The most successful management teams deploy and refine a suite of risk management approaches to mitigate risk wherever possible. This panel will examine risk management in the context of an industry exiting arguably its largest business disruption ever.
Moderator: Jamey Cline, Business Development Director, Christianson PLLP
- Chip Whalen, Vice President of Education & Research, Commodity & Ingredient Hedging
Managing the Volatility of Corn Input Costs
- Justin Mentele, Principal, Manufacturing & Biofuels Group, K-Coe Isom LLP
The Time is Now to Hedge More Than Your Grain Risk
- Melissa DeDonder, Manager, K-Coe Isom LLP
Understanding your IT from a Business Risk Perspective
- Adam Hopkins, Ph.D., Spectroscopy Product Manager, Metrohm USA, Inc.
Mitigating Production and Operation Risks with Cloud-Based Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
The Technological and Policy Pathways to Higher Value Fuel and Chemical Markets for Ethanol Producers
Room 306 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Read Description
The industry wide crash course in producing alternative alcohol products via the virtually overnight rise of the hand sanitizer market in the second quarter of 2020 rejuvenated the industry’s belief and confidence that it could and should establish a foothold in new, higher value alcohol markets. These ambitions are nearly as old as the industry itself, but this panel highlights that the commercial viability of technologies enabling access to these markets are ready for deployment now.
Moderator: Kyle Althoff, President, Equinox
- Terry Marker, Senior Institute Engineer/ Bioenergy Initiatives Manager, GTI
Cool GTL for CO2 Conversion to High Quality Gasoline Jet and Diesel
- Shrikant Rathi, Sr. General Manager of Business in Americas, PRAJ Industries Limited
Diversify Your Product to Produce Variety Grade of Alcohol from Your Ethanol Plant
- John Hannon, COO, Vertimass LLC
Expanding Ethanol Markets by Simple Consolidated Alcohol Deoxygenation and Oligomerization (CADO) into Gasoline, Diesel, and Jet Fuel Blendstocks and Higher Value Chemicals (BTEX)
- Dean Drake, Engineer, Defour Group LLC
Higher Octane, Lower Aromatics and More Ethanol: The Keys to an Electric Equivalent Fuel
Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel Summit
Reviewing the Opportunities for Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Producers in New and Emerging Markets
Room 312 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Moderator: Paul Winters, Director, Public Affairs and Federal Communications, National Biodiesel Board
- Josh Pedrick, Americas Biofuels and Sugar – Managing Editor, Platts
Pricing an Emerging Market: Renewable Diesel Dynamics
- John Oyen, Business Development Manager, ABB Inc.
Integration and Digital: The Pathway to a Low Carbon Index
- Dan Anderson, P.E., Business Development Manager, Alfa Laval
Renewable Diesel Pretreatment Processes for Variable Feedstocks
National Biomass Summit
Best Practices in Dust Management and Fire Mitigation at Biomass Energy Production Facilities
Room 302 - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
Moderator: Tim Portz, Executive Director, Pellet Fuels Institute
- Jason Krbec, Sales Engineering Manager, CV Technology, Inc.
Pellet Mill Combustible Dust Hazard Differences
- Bruce McLelland, Business Development Director, Explosion Protection, Fike Corporation
The Lifecycle of Fire and Explosion Protection
- Becky Long, Dryer Design Engineer, Thompson Dryers
Changing your Attitude about Fires and Explosions in Dryer Systems
- David Grandaw, Vice President, Sales, IEP Technologies
Passive vs. Active Explosion Protection for the Biomass Industry
9:20 am |
Innovation Stage Presentation
Optimizing Antibiotic Use in Fuel Ethanol Production: Are Antibiotic Combination Products Effective?
Exhibit ABC
- Jennifer Starner, PhD, Research Scientist, Kurita America
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Refreshment Break in the Expo
10:00 am |
Innovation Stage Presentation
Whitefox ICE®-XL: Molecular Sieve Replacement
Membrane Dehydration Solution
Exhibit ABC
- Jessica Lopez in conversation with Bill Lee
10:30 am - Noon |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
Which Arrow in the Quiver? Surveying the Options Available to Producers for Controlling Bacterial Outbreaks within their Process
Room 310 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Read Description
That bacterial infections rob ethanol producers of yield is well-understood, but the art of cost-effectively controlling these infections continues to evolve. The economic impact of what does and does not happen in plant fermenters continues to inspire robust research in the microbiology that is the beating heart of an ethanol plant. This panel will challenge lab managers to think in new ways about the bacterial populations that will inevitably find their way into their production environment, how to eliminate them and some discussion about when and how certain bacterial ethanologens might actually offer some yield benefit.
Moderator: Derek Schultz, Lab Manager, Highwater Ethanol, LLC
- Dennis Bayrock, R&D Director, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
The Critical Role of Pka and Ph in Bacterial Contaminationa and Yeast Inhibition
- Michail Karavolos, R&D Laboratory Manager, BetaTec Hop Products Inc.
Evaluation of the Effect of Antimicrobials on the Fitness of 6,000 Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Gene-Disruption Variants
- Jim Steele General Manager Lactic Solutions Group, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Selecting the Most Effective Antimicrobial Intervention using Molecular Biology Techniques
Track 1: Production and Operations
Two Birds, One Stone: Aligning Your Plant's LDAR Program to Satisfy Regulatory Requirements and Sustainability Ambitions
Room 316 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Read Description
The presenters on this panel will provide a compelling argument for a complete audit of a plant’s leak detection and repair program owing to the increase regulatory scrutiny around the subject. In the short term, unresolved leaks cost ethanol plants real dollars, but the long-term risk of inspection and a Notice of Violation carry far greater financial risks. This panel will explore not just the technical aspects of detection and repair, but also the record-keeping discipline that will assure regulators of your facility’s commitment to compliance.
Moderator: Pete Brown, Group Manager, Trihydro Corporation
- Andrea Foglesong, VP/SR EHS Consultant, PROtect LLC
How a Top-Notch LDAR Program will Make Your Facility More Sustainable
- Jessica Buckley, Project Manager, RTP Environmental Associates Inc.
Sneak Peek at Leak Tweaks: Evolving Requirements and Alternative LDAR Compliance Programs
- Mike Ogden, Project Manager, Trihydro Corporation
New Administration doesn’t Mean Less USEPA Enforcement at Ethanol Sites: How a Comprehensive LDAR Program can Reduce Risk
- George Gregorowicz, Fluid Sealing Specialist, ProFlow Pumping Solutions
Reducing Troublesome and Costly Leaks: An Alternative to the Traditional Mechanical Seal
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
How Decisions Made in Upstream Production Processes Impact Downstream CoProduct Characteristics
Room 306 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Read Description
The composition of the yielded co-product streams at ethanol plants are the result of the production decisions made upstream, often reaching all the way back to fermentation. This panel will explore the consequences for co-product quality and composition when producers deploy new process approaches upstream. This panel asserts that the impact of new processes on economically vital co-product streams must factor into the decision-making process of increased fiber and oil extraction, enzyme use and the deployment of novel fractionation technologies.
Moderator: Jackie Pohlman, Director of Business Development and Client Relations, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
- Ryan Mass, Director of Animal Nutrition, ICM Inc.
Effect of Pre-Fermentation Fiber Removal during Ethanol Process on the Nutritional Value of Corn Bran Plus Solubles
- Joseph Ward, Senior Nutritionist, North America, Fluid Quip Technologies LLC
How Process Inputs Can Affect Protein Quality and Analysis
- Janet Remus, Senior Technical Director - Animal Nutrition North America, IFF
Maximizing Value from Corn Coproducts
- Sally Jorgenson, Field Technical Manager, Kurita America Inc.
Antioxidant Chemistries Maximize Coproduct Value
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Fiber Fundamentals: Pathways to Make Available the Plant Fiber Streams for Downstream Conversion
Room 320 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Read Description
There is a widespread feeling that the evolution of corn ethanol plants to integrated biorefineries will not be complete until the conversion of plant corn fiber streams to cellulosic ethanol is as widespread a practice as corn oil capture has become. This first of two panels at the conference exploring this topic will offer producers a comprehensive look at the state-of-play in fiber isolation, separation and preparation for downstream conversion.
Moderator: Kyle Althoff, President, Equinox
- Radhakrishnan Srinivasan, Founder, Weighty Corn LLC
Fiber Separation from Corn Flour: A Commercial Success
- Marina Chow, Senior Scientist, IFF
How to Enzymatically Modify Corn Kernel Fiber to Your Benefit
- Anda Panaitiu, Research Scientist, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Maximizing Conversion of Carbohydrates
- Yanhong Zhang, Director of Research, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
Maximize the Cellulosic Converted Fraction in Corn Kernel Fiber
Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel Summit
Tracing the Continuing Advancement of Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Production Technologies
Room 312 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Moderator: Richard Weiner, Vice President, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
- Evelyn Beebe, Engineering Manager, Weaver & Tidwell LLP
Renewable Diesel Co-Processing vs Standalone Considerations under the Renewable Fuel Standard
- Thomas Jeffries, President, Xylome Corporation
Creating Cellulosic Biodiesel and Higher Value Products from Stillage Fiber
- Neil Rodrigues, Consultant, Ceimici Novel Ltd.
The Beauty of Glycidol
- Matthew Clingerman, Business Segment Leader, Sulzer GTC Technology
Innovative Processes for Low-Cost Renewable Diesel Projects
National Biomass Summit
The Technologies Poised to Extend the Biofuels Opportunity to an Ever-Widening Array of Feedstocks
Room 302 - (10:30 am - Noon)
Moderator: Paul Kamp, Vice President of Business Development, Whitefox Technologies Limited
- Yanhong Zhang, Director of Research, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
Low-Cost Low Energy Deconstruction of Industrial Hemp to Make Biofuel and Bioproducts
- Jayant Godbole, President & Director, Praj Americas Inc.
Technological Strategies for Making Cellulosic Ethanol Bio-Refineries Economically Viable
- Ling Hua, Senior Vice President & Head of Group Biotechnology, Group Innovation & Sustainability, Clariant Products (Germany)
Bringing Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol Production to the Market with Sunliquid®
- Ron Fedie, Senior Research Scientist, SarTec Corporation
Catalytic Conversion of Brown and Yellow Greases into Green Gasoline, Green Jet and Green Diesel Biofuels
11:20 am |
Innovation Stage Presentation
Distillers Corn Oil Refinement with Fiber Reactor Technology
Exhibit ABC
Noon - 1:30 pm |
Lunch in the Expo
12:00 pm |
Innovation Stage Presentation
Boosting Yeast Health: The Effect of Antimicrobials
Exhibit ABC
- Michail Karavolos, Betatec
1:30 pm - 6:30 pm |
Exhibitor Move-Out |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
The Biological Levers Available to Producers Looking to Boost Fermentation
Room 310 - (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Read Description
The second in a series of presentations looking specifically at fermentation, this panel turns its gaze specifically to yeast nutrition. The discussion opens with a look at how over the course of a decade proteases have been coopted to convert proteins into necessary free amino nitrogens. The presentation promises an update on the approach and how it has been refined to mitigate some early concerns. The remainder of the panel helps producers and lab teams consider the downstream consequences that fermentation nutrition efforts may have on important co-product streams.
Moderator: Kisha Kruse, Scientist, Technical Service, Biofuel, Novozymes North America Inc.
- Dennis Bayrock, R&D Director, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Advanced FAN Nutrition, Proteases, and Yeast: Providing Maximal Benefit to Fuel Ethanol Plants
- Jim Miers, Nutrient Category Product Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Fermentation Nutrients Can Bring Value to the Bottom Line of the Biorefinery
- Keaton Albers, Senior Applications Associate, IFF
Improved Saccharification Performance of Glucoamylase (GA) Expressing Yeast Strains
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
Back to the Future: Making Sure Your Plant is Inside the DeLorean
Room 320 - (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Read Description
With the inevitable day-to-day challenges of operating a fuel ethanol production facility, it is easy to understand how plant management teams and boards can be laser focused on the challenges of today. Still, plant teams know the value of lifting their gaze from the here and now and consider future opportunities and challenges. This multi-disciplinary panel will offer producers an opportunity to consider the future of their facility from several different perspectives including capital expenditures, product differentiation and new financial management approaches.
Moderator: Sandy Holtberg, Benchmarking Program Manager, Christianson Benchmarking, LLC
- Kristen Glasgow, Manager, K-Coe Isom LLP
Planning for the Future: Boards, Employees, Products
- Keith Jakel, Sales & Marketing Manager, Fluid Quip Technologies LLC
Assessing Technology Options for the Future
- Jessica Buckley, Project Manager, RTP Environmental Associates Inc.
Alternative Fuels or Fuel Alternative: Ethanol Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic Landscape
- Donna Funk, Principal, Manufacturing & Biofuels Group, K-Coe Isom LLP
The New Normal for Managing Forecasts and Cash Flow: 3 Steps to Move Business Forward
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Fiber Fundamentals II: Converting Captured Fiber to High-Value Fuel and Feed Products
Room 306 - (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Read Description
Picking up where the conference’s first corn fiber panel left off, these presentations bring the viability of corn fiber conversion into sharper focus. What has been learned from the industry’s first deployments of these promising technologies? And, where does this technology fit into the industry’s next decade as it sharpens its low-carbon ambitions, and increases its overall societal value by delivering an even wider array of fuel products from its corn inputs?
Moderator: Jackie Pohlman, Director of Business Development and Client Relations, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
- Janet Fisher, Enzyme Product Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Dispelling Myths about Corn Kernel Fiber Ethanol to Build a Higher-Value Fiber Degradation Process
- Mark Yancey, Chief Technology Officer, D3MAX LLC
Commercial-Scale Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass
- Joe Fitzgerald, Founder, Shockwave LLC
New Fractionation Technology for the Ethanol Industry
Track 4: Infrastructure and Market Development
The Latest Regulatory, Legislative Initiatives Impacting Biofuels
Room 316 - (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Read Description
It is easy to forget, amidst the excitement of the promise of new fuel and feed products, that our industry is responsible for producing a fuel product with exacting specifications for a highly regulated marketplace. That ethanol has a place in the transportation market at all is the result of years of work to ensure the product is understood and endorsed by the regulatory community. This panel is an annual conversation featuring those professionals engaged in this important work. Panelists will provide attendees with a comprehensive snapshot of the regulatory impediments that have emerged in the past year and how the industry plans to overcome them.
Moderator: Kristy Moore, Principal Scientist, KMoore Consulting LLC
- Chris Bliley, VP Regulatory Affairs, Growth Energy
Federal Update, Streamlining, E15 Marketing Update (RFGSA)
- Jacki Fee, Technical Director, Cargill, Inc.
Low Carbon Fuels Program Update (CA, OR, NM, Canada)
- Bart Plocher, Director of Quality, POET
USP/GMP High Purity Alcohol Regulatory Considerations
- Kristy Moore, Principal Scientist, KMoore Consulting LLC
KMooore/Growth Energy - ASM/ISO/ABNT International Market Specification Updates
Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel Summit
Right from the Beginning: Towards an Optimal Pretreatment Program in Renewable Diesel Production
Room 312- (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Moderator: Rainer Bass, Process Engineering Project Manager, The HollyFrontier Companies
- John McNichol, Market Development Manager, PQ Corporation
Premium Adsorbents in Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Feedstock Pre-treatment
- Jonathon Speed, Product and Applications Manager, Keit Spectrometers
An Analyser for the Pre-Treatment of Renewable Diesel Feedstocks
- Neal Williams, Research Engineer, Imerys
Adsorbent for Renewable Diesel Feedstock Purification
- Brian Cooke, Technical Manager, Clariant Corporation
Adsorptive Removal of Contaminants from Fats and Oils for Production of BioFuels
National Biomass Summit
How Low Carbon Fuel Markets are Catalyzing Biogas Projects in the Corn Belt and Beyond II
Room 302 - (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Moderator: Patrick Serfass, Executive Director, American Biogas Council
- Bryan Sievers, Manager, Sievers Family Farms and AgriRenew
- Brandon Butler, Director of Communications, Roeslein Alternative Energy
- Mark Heckman, Senior Regulatory Consultant, EcoEngineers
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Refreshment Break
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
Deploying the Best Available Cleaning Regimens with an Eye on Efficiently Achieving Your Desired Outcomes
Room 310 - (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
Read Description
Ethanol producers know that plant cleaning programs go far beyond the simple deployment of a growing list of available surfactants, inhibitors and acid cleaners. This panel features presenters who promise to look deeper than just a list of available treatment options, but how to best incorporate them into a comprehensive and well-considered program. The discussion begins with a review of the lessons learned from bringing plans out of prolonged outages due to the pandemic turndown, clean and ready for service.
Moderator: Dennis Bayrock, R&D Director, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
- Monty McCoy, Director of Technology, Kurita America Inc.
Advanced Tactics to Achieve a Clean Return to Service after Shutdown
- Mark Altier, RD&E Program Leader, Ecolab Inc.
Product Development for Fuel Ethanol Total Plant Cleaning
- Anne Chronic, Director, Market Analytics, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Cleaning Modes of Action: Choose the Best, Leave the Rest
Track 1: Production and Operations
Overcoming the Operational Challenges that Come with Water and Wastewater Management at Ethanol Plants
Room 316 - (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
Read Description
Moving water and syrups through the ethanol production process is an energy-intensive proposition that if mismanaged can lead to yield losses and diminished profitability. Further, wastewater management creates environmental and regulatory challenges that plant teams must keep top of mind. The presenters in this panel will champion technologies that drive out headaches and expense while driving in efficiency and increased up-time.
Moderator: Tim Sperfslage, Senior Air Quality Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
- Robert Hendel, Senior Engineer, Suez WTS
A Novel Non-Phosphorus Cooling Water Treatment Technology to Address Environmental and Operational Challenges
- Terry Roberts, Regional Manager, SEPCO Sealing Equipment Products Co. Inc.
Case Study: Ethanol Sealing Challenges SOLVED
- Jeff Prochaska, Industry Technical Consultant, Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company
A Comprehensive Approach to Evaporator System Optimization
- Andrea Collier, Senior Environmental Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Navigation of Wastewater Permit Requirements: How to Handle Tight Limits and Find Paths to Compliance
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
Making Sense of the Required Permits for Existing and Planned Product Outputs
Room 320 - (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
Read Description
When the pandemic is at long last behind us, the ethanol industry may well view it as the catalyst that finally made product differentiation a vital component of every producer’s strategic plan. The rush to serve the hand sanitizer markets is the ready example, but producers also recognized how suddenly demand and margins can vanish for any product in their portfolio with little warning. This panel will feature panelists ready to remind producers of the permits required to manufacture and sell those new products and best practices for incorporating them into your existing permit program.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Program Developer, BBI International
- Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal, RTP Environmental Associates Inc.
Plant Optimization and Environmental Permitting
- Andrea Foglesong, VP/SR EHS Consultant, PROtect LLC
DSP versus AF: When a Distilled Spirts Plant Permit is Required from the Alcohol, Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Driving Additional Value into Your CoProduct Program By Bringing Protein Streams into Sharp Focus
Room 306 - (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
Read Description
The promise of increased profitability continues to stoke producer interest in a strategic effort to maximize protein in their feed co-product output. The first three presentations feature technologies and process approaches available to producers ready to embrace a production environment optimized for higher protein. The discussion concludes with a producer presentation on how producers can better understand and measure the protein they have succeeded in isolating and incorporating into their co-product streams.
Moderator: Kisha Kruse, Scientist, Technical Service, Biofuel, Novozymes North America Inc.
- Kyle Flynn, Director of Business Development, ST Equipment & Technology
Water Free Process for Protein Enhancement of DDGS
- John Kwik, Managing Partner, Fluid Quip Technologies LLC
Next Steps in Protein: Higher Purity through Enzymes
- Matt Durler, VP of Feed Development, ICM Inc.
Designing Animal Feed: Leveraging Process Technologies for Optimized, Value-Added Products
- Grant Spratt, Protein Operations Manager, Green Plains-Shenandoah
How to Measure Protein: An Enlightening Study How the Industry can Measure Protein.
Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel Summit
Troubleshooting at Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel Facilities During Plant Construction, Commissioning and Steady-State Production Phases
Room 312 - (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
Moderator: Anna Simet, Editor, Biomass Magazine
- Rudy Pruszko, President, Pruszko Consulting
Solutions to Your Biodiesel Production Problems
- Meha Jha, Refining Industry Marketing Manager Measurement Solutions, Emerson Automation Solutions
Future Proofing Your Renewable Diesel Production Operations
- John Brabender, Vice President of Business Development, Ford, Bacon & Davis LLC
Rapid Project Development Path to Renewable Diesel Production
- Christine Riedl, Technical Sales Manager Biodiesel/RetroFit, BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH
Biodiesel RetroFit: Successful Case Studies
5:00 pm |
Sessions Conclude |
Top of the page |